Pizza Party Packages 🍕

Dec 12, 2022

Have a team’s Christmas party coming up? Pizza is always a good idea. 🎅 🍕
Whether you need to cater for gluten-free foodies or those that are vegan, On Pizza has got you covered!
🌟Contact them directly to find out more on their range of options available or can offer bespoke deals too!🌟
May be an image of pizza and text that says "XMAS PARTY WITH UN PIZZA UP TO 6 PEOPLE: 「 3×12" PIZZA £36 2XSIDE* 1×1.25L COLA TO BOOK: 01233754058 from: £6.00 per person"May be an image of pizzaMay be an image of pizza and text that says "XMAS PARTY WITH UN PIZZA UP TO 20 PEOPLE 「 12" PIZZA £110 6XSIDE* 3×1.25L COLA TO BOOK: 01233754058 from: £5.50 per person"